

Visual Art at junior cycle aims to provide the student with a set of personal attitudes and qualities as well as skills and processes and a sense of the aesthetic. Through practical engagement in the areas of art, craft and design students will develop self confidence, inquisitiveness, imagination, and creativity. They will also develop authentic, real world problem-solving capacities and the capacity to work over time, as an individual and in groups, on the design and execution of artistic and aesthetic tasks.


Visual Art is a subject that promotes teaching and learning through art, craft and design. For adolescents and young adults, this involves becoming familiar with and applying the elements of art and principles of design, and the knowledge and skills associated with these processes, their histories and their contemporary practices. Visual Art also recognises and rewards a number of different forms of intelligence, including emotional intelligence; it develops personal qualities of expression and empathy.


A brief breakdown of the assessment criteria for the JC exam (project %, final exam % etc.). Also please add the possible levels available - foundation, ordinary, higher, common etc.

The steps for Classroom-Based Assessment 1: From process to realisation are as follows: 1. CBA 1 is completed by students either individually or in groups. 2. Students choose one scenario from a list. 3. Students are required to realise a piece of work primarily through one of the Visual Art strands. However, students may incorporate aspects of other strands as appropriate for their work. 4. Students use their Visual Art sketchpad to research initial ideas, develop their work and reflect on their progress while incorporating the five elements of junior cycle Visual Art. 5. Students complete and present their realised work and accompanying Visual Art sketchpad. The work can be teacher-led, student-led or may be based on a collaboration between teacher and student or student and student.

The steps for Classroom-Based Assessment 2: Communicate and reflect are as follows: 1. CBA 2 is completed by students on an individual basis. 2. Students choose one scenario from a list. 3. Students are required to realise two artworks through the two strands not undertaken for the first Classroom-Based Assessment, which they completed in second year. However, students may incorporate aspects of other strands as appropriate for their work. 4. Students use their Visual Art sketchpad to research initial ideas and develop these while incorporating the five elements of junior cycle Visual Art. 5. Students will use the material from their Visual Art sketchpad to share, through a presentation or discussion, what their initial thoughts, ideas and experiments are and how they might shape their work for this second Classroom-Based Assessment. Based on feedback from their teacher and peers, students reflect upon their work and the direction they will take it in for the state certified examination. Students should note that if the realised piece of work completed for Classroom-Based Assessment 1 was not three-dimensional, then one of the two realised pieces of work for Classroom-Based Assessment 2 must be.

Artefacts for assessment by the SEC After completion of the second Classroom-Based Assessment, students will reflect on and use the feedback from their teacher and peers, as the basis to create further significant developmental work in their Visual Art sketchpad as well as two realised pieces for the state-certified examination. The work submitted must also contain some initial research and experimentation work from the second Classroom-Based Assessment where appropriate, in order to clarify the development of the student’s ideas including the incorporation of any feedback they received which was useful in advancing their later ideas and work. This work will be marked by the State Examinations Commission.

Group Art Work commemorating the Holocaust. 

Cross curricular Art and wellbeing class; sock puppetry. 

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