

Erasmus+ is an EU funded education programme aimed to further European integration. We have been involved in Erasmus+ for a number of years and have ambitious plans to expand the program to more students and staff. Our ultimate aim is for Midleton CBS to have permanent links to the network of European schools.


Over the years we have forged links with many schools and organisations around Europe. Our students have been involved in exchanges in Austria and France where they stayed with host families and experienced the culture, language and school life in Europe.


We work on various projects together with our partners and have the opportunity to send students abroad for short or long periods of time. This academic year one TY student is spending the entire academic year in a school in Germany. 


This year’s project is called Positive Vibes. Two of our staff members travelled to the Czech Republic during the summer to visit our partner school and now our students will have the opportunity to travel to France and the Czech Republic.


There is also a professional development aspect to the program. Our teaching staff have the possibility to attend education and training courses around Europe.


Please click in the side bar options for more Erasmus+ news:


Zotmund Schekk is spending one year studying in Kassel, Germany.  Pictured here with his mother, Beata Schekk and Carol Fynn, Erasmus Coordinator.



Feedback from our students who travelled

A fun and enlightening experience

It was a great trip, I got to meet new people and experience a new culture. Everyone was very friendly and I learned a lot. A brilliant opportunity to be taken if offered.

Well worth the trip, and helped improve my learning of German significantly. Learned new phrases and culturally became more enlightened.

Great unique experience, got to enjoy the culture and visit/see new things. Would do again and highly recommend. This experience also gave me a higher motivation to continue learning German.

Very positive experience overall, it was extremely fun and an excellent learning opportunity. Minor problems with organisation and travel, though these were mostly just regular delays and errors rather than mistakes on either school’s part.

My Erasmus experience was very good. In December I hosted a German
girl and it was very easy and we got along straight away. My trip to
Germany was also very fun.I made loads of new friends I still talk to
today.We also did a lot of fun activities whether it was with the
school or with our new German and Czech friends. My host family was
also very nice and I felt comfortable straight away.I would definitely
recommend it .

I will always think positively about this trip. It was a complete
success for me. The only downside was that we could only stay for one

I really enjoyed the Erasmus program. At first I thought it would be
weird to be hosting a stranger in my house but it wasn't. This project
was very fun and I learnt a lot about other cultures. I would love to
take part in Erasmus again next year and I would recommend it to
others too

I really enjoyed my time in Brussels with the differences in culture,
people, food and the visit to the parliament which I found very
interesting. The german girls were very friendly and it was incredibly
eye opening to hear the differences in not only the social issues our
two societies face but also the issues we both struggle with. My
favourite part of the trip was meeting the MEPs of whom i found Billy
Kelleher to be particularly interesting with a clear passion for the
challenge to tackle the rise in far right politics, a very real threat
we face in the world today. This was my first time travelling without
my parents and I found it eye opening to experience it for myself
first hand from the airport security to finding a nice restaurant.
Overall I found the trip extremely insightful into the political
system our society runs on and the people involved in its day to day
running and I cannot wait to visit more areas of the parliament in the
future to discover more about it.

Whenever someone asks how Brussel’s was, the first words that come out
of my mouth are: “The best experience of my life!” Because it’s the
truth. I met so many new people, and made so many new friends. We
talked with the German school and we discussed how we do things
differently, and how they do things differently. And the EU Parliament
is something else, I’ve never seen anything like it, it was like they
had their own little village.
But that week is one of the best experiences of my life!

I really enjoyed the trip as a whole, I found it to be very
interesting aswell as educational.

I got to meet new people from a different culture and got along great
with them, they were all very friendly and pleasant to talk to. I also
got to hear French in a natural setting and even spoke a little with
some of the vendors, which was not only fun but also helped me get a
better understanding of how French is spoken, which I'm sure will
prove helpful when my oral comes around.  I also learnt a lot about
how the EU works thanks to our MEP's, who were all wonderful and happy
to answer any questions we had. I learnt that outside of Ireland,
people who speak and understand Irish are very sought after and that
there are many jobs available to them even outside of Ireland.  From
this trip, I gained a deeper appreciation for the Irish language, made
many new friends and got to experience the culture and workings of
another EU country, I'm very grateful to have been able to go on this
trip and would highly recommend it to anyone interested.

One of our students recently made a video diary of his trip to Austira and Germany.


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